
David Kitonga


The Kitonga’s Story

Dr. David Kitonga and his wife Ann founded AEM (Africa Equip Ministry). The Lord helped them envision the transformation of the lives of people in this dreadful slum, to become Christ following, educated and productive men, women, and children.

They planted a church and established AEM center, which ministers to one thousand and two hundred children and youth daily, providing them education, food, and bible teaching. The center operates a medical clinic and job skills training for young men and women.

The Kitonga’s Prayer Requests:

  • For David and Ann as they labor daily for the Gospel in Kawangware
  • 1000+ new Christians in Huduma Church – Kawangware, that they may grow in grace
  • Resources, both material and spiritual, to educate children, train adults for productive work, and provide food so that no one in Kawangware will be hungry