Phase 2 Header

God’s Kingdom Advancement

At New Hope, our God has shown Himself powerful and faithful as He continues to grow our “Biblical Community.” Each person added to our church is a blessing and a very important part of the work God is actively doing among us. The most recent growth of the last few years since completing “Phase 1” has seen new individuals on a weekly basis coming from all walks and stages of life.

As a collective church family, we stand together on the threshold of another stage in the Kingdom adventure God has planned for us. It’s now our opportunity to demonstrate once again that we believe our Lord will show Himself powerful as we advance the name of Jesus throughout the mid-Michigan area. With a potential expansion comes an even greater occasion to open our doors wider to our friends and neighbors near and far who also need to be given the opportunity to join God in what He is doing through New Hope.

In light of the growth we are experiencing, it is imperative that we respond according to God’s purposes. The graph here can help put things into perspective.

On behalf of our leadership team, I’m specifically asking you to join us in ongoing prayer as we seek God’s clear direction regarding our next steps as a church. It is our firm belief that the Lord will give us clarity as we seek His will for our future.

Grateful for your part in advancing the kingdom,

Watch as Pastor Mark Explains Our Vision

Phase 1: Moving Forward

New Hope voted unanimously to launch the Moving Forward Capital Campaign in March 2016. The new building on 2170 Saginaw Highway in East Lansing was completed in August 2019, and we held our first services there on Sunday, August 11, 2019.

Phase 2: Advancing the Kingdom

In response to our ongoing exponential growth, the leadership and family of New Hope are prayerfully seeking God’s guidance on how to respond. This brief walk-through video tour is intended to demonstrate to you what could be a solution to our current need for more physical space, specifically in the areas of parking, children’s ministry, main auditorium seating and an office expansion.

How you can be a part of what God is doing

Join us in continued prayer over the upcoming months as we seek God’s clear direction. We’ll be sure to keep you informed along the way as to the best way to pray.